I love Bath. I don't know why, probably because it is so uniform, clean and connected to its history. A little like me, I guess.
Anyway since I moved to Somerset a month ago I have had a very fleet
ing relationship with Bath. Popping to it to use its station or to visit a friend. But never to visit Bath. The weather has plaid its part in keeping me away, we have had a months rainfall in just one day! And the rest of the weeks weather has not been too g
ood either. So as the sun decided to wake me up this morning (without me requesting it) I decided to utilise every minute it gave me today and head to Bath...
So after using the brilliant park and ride service I stopped in the centre of the city. I love walking around the streets of Bath, I feel so relaxed, like the feeling you get when you just come out of a spa into the warm sun.
I walked to the royal circus and then onto the royal crescent (of course
stopping all the way to take pictures). Whilst I was walking I noticed some vans which look suspiciously like a film crews and so of course I double back for another look, and then once again for one more. Yes, people were filming, no I could not see
what they were filming. Sadly it was being done in one of t
hose fabulous Georgian houses. I did get very excited when I saw a man dressed in 18th century clothes, so I wondered over to where he was talking to an elderly couple under the pre-tense of me and my camera taking pictures. After they left he came over to me and I found out that he is an 18th century tour guide in Bath, such a shame. However I did find out an int
resting fact about Bath... apparently the royal crescent and circus was designed and built by a pagan who loved Stonehenge. Which explains why the diameter of the circus is the same as the diameter of Stonehenge!
Anyway so from there I went to The Bath Bun Tea shoppe. As I am single I had lunch alone, usually this can be quite a scary prospect but today I grabbed a table in the tea room and enjoyed my lunch.
On from there and I walked the city a little more, stopping by the canal, where I had my first view of Bath when we came into
it on a canal boat years ago. Finally I stopped to go shopping. I have had a lot of vouchers for M&S so I bought some baking equipment!
I have to sa
y one of my favourite shops of the day was Topping Company Booksellers, where I picked up Michel Roux's Pastry book signed by him!
So a lovely day in Bath is over, and a lovely moussaka has been made in my new Le Creuset casserole dish. Now all I need to do is to think what I shall bake this week...
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