Whenever I went home from university back to Sussex, I would always go on the City Thameslink line over London. I love this line, you get to sit on the train and go past some of the best parts of London; St Pauls, the Thames, The Globe, The Tate Modern (unfortunately), Borough Market and London Bridge. But by far my favorite part of this short journey was going past an old advert on the side of a building. This Take Courage advert was painted right onto the brick and I loved it. Whenever I was feeling low, I would end up looking at this advert. It is even the wallpaper on my phone.
So the point of this blog is to tell you that I believed that one of the best brick adverts in London was gone, back in September I could not see it when I went past it - in my defence I was very tired and it now appears that I got it wrong. The brilliant Take Courage advert is still there and appears to have never moved, so I am once again in love with my beautiful London and am so pleased to know there is still some courage in London.
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